
Go Down With Style

(18/03-2010) – So! She made it!

Taegra, our healer druid, hit 80 the on february 27th.

You can see her under the traditional “level 80 jumping around in Dalaran dance”.

Of course, we had to celebrate.

So we had a party with the Warriors to celebrate that and we called the party “Going Down With Style”

It could also have been called: Suicidal Guild Party.

The idea was to give as many as possible the Going Down Achievement (Fall 65 yards without dying)…

I must admit, we didn’t thought to check wether Taegra had the achievement or not… We should have done it: Taegra had the achievement since the 25th of march (sorry!).

This party was also a bit for Morgog and Mashspud that in fact had missed their own party, so we invited Doedancer from the guild Godless, that Morgog and Mashspud know and appreciate.

We started with chocolate cake and shortly after, we were about 10 people jumping from the ramp near the inn of the Exodar. Some of us dying, getting rezzed at the bottom (near the Naaru) and running up again to jump one more time.

Happily, the Exodar was (as usual) mostly empty, so no one of us got commited.

At least four people got the achievement under the happening:

– Malka
– Doedancer
– Nezepher and
– Mashspud

Gz to all 🙂

If I forgot any, please tell me.

Grats to Taegra and welcome to the club.

Here is the video of the party, Down with Style:

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