
Good-Bye Blade’s Edge

(29/01-2013) – When Nim and I first started to play WoW (roughly we started one week or two apart), Blade’s Edge was the server Blizzard was recommending to new players. I had originally Horde and Alliance there.

After a while, I moved (or deleted) my Hordes from Blade’s Edge to Turalyon (for PvE) and Stormscale (for PvP).

Our alliances staid on Blade’s Edge and very quickly, we didn’t like this realm very much, but we had time to get some friends, there. Many were in <Godless>: Doedancer, Lycyn, Luzerei and many others and we had a lot of fun together. Blade’s Edge became bearable to play.

After a while, we stopped playing WoW, Cataclysm was a catastrophe.

When we came back, the last week of December 2012, we found that there had been some clean-up in Blade’s Edge: People weren’t that terrible as they were when we left, but it is not really our style.

PvP is still terrible (Alliance side), there are many bots on battleground, more than there were before, and in fact, these bots are playing better than some of the players (just to give you an idea).

Business is bad and low, like it always has been, I guess people are buying gold so they don’t care much about the price of things in AH.

Our friends have left anyway… So nothing was holding us to Blade’s Edge anymore. We have moved most of our characters from Blade’s Edge. All the high levels are moving away. Some are moving to a PvE realm other, more PvP oriented, are moving to a PvP realm.

We don’t move our low level (it costs 20 euros to move, so…) and Scorpyo, my main, is the last to move. That is because we are moving the guild as well and before you can move a guild, you need to have an authenticator 7 days prior to the moving day. And I didn’t have any at all. I found out when I was about to move Scorpyo, last Thursday. So she, and the guild, will move February 1st or 2nd (all depends on how they count “seven days”).

We might change the name of the guild, but we haven’t decide anything yet.

The guild and our PvE-oriented characters are moving to Steamwheedle Cartel and our PvP-ladies are moving to a French Role-Playing PvP server: Culte de la Rive Noire.

Here is the list of our characters and of where they have moved:

Scorpyo’s characters:
Malka (Priest – 90) moved to Steamwheedle Cartel.
Nathanaelle (Mage – 87) moved to Steamwheedle Cartel.
Scorpyo (Warrior – 85) moves to Steamwheedle Cartel.
Feodora (Shaman – 85) moved to Steamwheedle Cartel and changed name to Batyeor (Feodora was taken on Steamwheedle).
BlackScorpyo (Death Knight – 90) moved to Culte de la Rive Noire (which gives me two Death Knights on this realm – I had one there already, Debra).
Silah (Rogue – 85) moved to Culte de la Rive Noire and changed name to Tzila (Silah was taken on Culte de la Rive Noire).

Nimrasil’s characters:
Laylael (Druid – 90) moved to Culte de la Rive Noire.
Triest (Priest – 73) moved to Culte de la Rive Noire (and changed name back from Trieste to her original name: Triest)
Nimrasil (Hunter – 87) moves to Steamwheedle Cartel.
Sigalit (Paladin – 81) moved to Culte de la Rive Noire.
Nezepher (Shaman – 80) might move to Steamwheedle Cartel (but nothing is set yet).

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