
Best and Darth… Two sides of a killer?

Bestkiler, Thebestkiler… you name it, the newest member of our guild, has finally reached 55 and got the Lich King extension so he could make his Death Knight.

The Death Knight was named Darthkiler (and has its alter ego on our horde server, Turalyon, under the name DarthKiller), so we gathered in our HQ in Astranaar to party.

Nimrasil has dropped skinning and is now a rather skilled engineer, so she had made som fireworks that, in secret, she gave each of us, then whispered us that when she said: Horray for Darthkiler, we had to fire the fireworks all together.

Which was done.

I was there with Silah and had some more fireworks from Dalaran that were fired too.

Teshar couldn’t make it, she said, but she made it anyway, so we got our naked duel with the fishing pole. Thank you Tesh and Palsass (who hits a woman! Typical DWARF)

Since Nimrasil also got her turtle, which increases her speed (which says a lot about her general speed!) lot of the party was in the water.


I made a little movie of it, you can see it here.

Gz again Darthkiler.

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